Monday, 26 September 2011

Speak Asia Astrology - Is Speak Asia Will Come Back In India - 26 September 2011

AstroVijay DelhiAstrologers.Com
We ( ) watching the Speak Asia Investigation , Speak Asia Cases and Fighting spirit of Speak Asians . Just on 25th of September 2011 we start thinking that their are 2 much of Cases on Speak Asia every time when Speak Asians wants a good News .. Every time they Get Failed and
this failure is Hurting Speak Asians From Their Deep heart.
In Stage of Depressions first Thing which Every Human being do is to Pray his God. Ask the Questions from
Any Astrologer About the Future Happening . In Case of Speak Asia We also try to Communicate one of the Most Known Name " Astro Vijay " having a Website with the Name of . Approx a Year Before due to some problems we have contacted them on Phone and Send our Details By their E-mail Address and Astro Vijay charged their Service Fees then they reply and With their Guidelines our problem is Get Solved .

In Case of Speak Asia Company Future We have Contacted " Astro Vijay " -
on their Contact Number +91-9312278121 and Asked the Question About Speak Asia Future . We will mail the Some of the Known Names of Speak Asia as Numerology Can Be Used to Calculate . We Also Paid to their Service with our Credit Card with Money Transfer In this Account.

After That We Get a Reply in Hindi :
" शनि देव का अपनी उच्च राशी तुला में परवेश १५नोवेम्बेर से हो रहा हैं जो की स्पेअक एशिया की कुम्भ राशी से १ योग करक संधि जो ब्रश्पति- से देख रहा हैं स्पेअक एशिया के पनेलिस्ट के लिए एक खुशखबरी ले कर आ रहा हैं . स्पेअक एशिया एक नए सिरे से काम करेगी . नए कानून या नए तरीके से भारत में काम करके लोगो का पैसा वापिस देने की उमीद नज़र आती हैं . स्पेअक एशिया पन्नेलिस्ट निराश न हों संयम बरते १५ नवम्बर से शनि देव और भार्स्पति का योग एक सुकध समाचार ले कर आ रहा है"

Reply in English :
Shani Dev is Changing on Signs on 15th November 2011.
Speak Asia is Having Aquarius Sign according to Astrology and after 15th November 2011 as Star Sign Changes it Will Come to Libra.
Speak Asia Company will registered with a New name or with New Way in India .

We Want to Tell Astrology is Also one Form of Science Where Astrologer Calculates the things with way of Mathematics Techniques  then  make a Statement . Astrology is Not a Magic.

We Ask Many of People About Shani dev Changing Signs on 15 November 2011.
All Says "
"YES , Shani Dev is Changing and this Change Will occurs on 15th November 2011"
Just 2 Days Before

 हम मथुरा के एक प्रतिष्ठित पंडित श्री दाऊ दयाल शर्मा जी से मिले उन्होंने हमें कंपनी की मोजुदा

परिस्थिति के बारे में बताया उन्होंने कहा कि कंपनी की राशी कुम्भ है और कुम्भ राशी के ऊपर शनि चल

रहा है और वो 15 नवम्बर तक रहेगा  
  आज में आपके साथ फिर से कुछ बातें शेयर करना चाहूँगा और वो ये कि स्पीक एशिया में काम करने वाला हर एक स्पीक एशियन अपनी बात कहने के बाद अंत में एक वाक्य लिखता है "प्राउड टू बी स्पीक एशियन " शायद आपको ये नहीं पता के आप जाने अनजाने में कितना सच कह रहे है जी हाँ आप १०० प्रतिशत सही है ! और वो इसलिए क्युकी वो वक़्त बहुत ही जल्द आने वाला है जब आपको इस बात का अहसास होगा के आप क्यों उस वाक्य का उपयोग करते थे ! स्पीक एशिया उस कंपनी का नाम है दोस्तो जो इस दुनिया में अपना नाम स्वर्ण अक्षरों में अंकित कराएगी आपको मेरी बात शायद आज अजीब सी लगे पर ये आने वाला वक़्त बता देगा कि में सही था और में ही नहीं मेरे जैसे और भी कई स्पीक एशियन भाई जो ऐसा सोचते है सही थे !
ऐसा में अपनी मन गढ़ंत बातों के आधार पर नहीं बल्कि तथ्यों के आधार पर कह रहा हूँ और शायद आपमें से मेरे और भी भाइयों ने उन तथ्यों को जांचा हो , तो अगर आपमें से कोई भाई ये सोचता हो के स्पीक एशिया नहीं चलेगी या चलने नहीं दिया जायेगा या भाग जाएगी तो वो अपने दिमाग में से ये बात बिलकुल निकाल दें बल्कि ये कहूँगा के हमेशा के लिए भूल जाएँ क्युकि मेरे प्रिय भाइयो स्पीक एशिया का जन्म तो इतिहास रचने के लिए हुआ है न कि बदनाम होके वापस जाने के लिए आप यकीं मानना कि ये बदनामी ही आगे चलकर स्पीक एशिया का हथियार बनेगी और ये बदनामी एक बहुत बड़े नाम में तब्दील हो जाएगी जब स्पीक एशिया निर्दोष साबित होकर धमाके से से अपना कारोबार फिर से सुरु करेगी !एक सच्चा स्पीक एशियन और आपका स्पीक एशियन भाई       

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Will this October bring back your joy?

october Will this October bring back your joy?


                                                                                               Friends, there three mega events in October, 2011 regarding the court cases of Speakasia. Let us see what are these event, and will this help the company to win and get back?

All complaining about updates, can just guide the present scenario:

4th, October

Rbi meeting was held with SAOL on 20th September, some queries and documents are asked by RBI, for which 2 weeks time is given by RBI, now SAOL will give results and replies in two weeks to RBI that ends up on 4th october. so it will be sooner. and since RBI is satisfied with the buziness model and work of SAOL thats why they are further interested to get more things related and will give clearence soon.

10th, October

Case is also going on in Hon’ble Supreme court of India, that is from panelists side, its hearing is on 10th october. in it RBI, ROC, MCA are involved. SAOL is represented by one among the top five lawyers in india, Mukul Rohatgi

12th, October

Since the Hon’ble judge oh Mumbai High Court is elevated to supreme court of India, thats why our case in Mumbai High Court got delayed by 21 days, due to the fact that durga pooja holidays came during the course…hearing is on 12th october now. in mumbai high court, EOW, ROC and MCA are involved.
Nearly all agencies have finished its inquiry, EOW, ROC, MCA, SFIO, and RBI is doin through meets and documents verification. so in the current scenario, i can assure this only. that if anything faulty or fraudy would have been detected then, neither RBI would have called again for few more things, and also till this time charge sheet against company in various fields and frauds would have been filed, so… its just a matter of some days more, we all will be celebrating our win…as all is in judicial procedure now…it depends on clearence in Courts, and since too much holidays are coming, so hearings are delayed…and things are moving slowly…!!
Kindly bear with this…!! u will get results soon…!!


        1. Since the Hon'ble judge oh Mumbai High Court is elevated to supreme court of India, thats why our case in Mumbai High Court got delayed by 21 days, due to the fact that durga pooja holidays came during the course...hearing is on 12th october now. in mumbai high court, EOW, ROC and MCA are involved.                                                                                   2. Case is also going on in Hon'ble Supreme court of India, that is from panelists side, its hearing is on 10th october. in it RBI, ROC, MCA are involved. SAOL is represented by one among the top five lawyers in india, Mukul Rohatgi                                                                             3. Rbi meeting was held with SAOL on 20th September, some queries and documents are asked by RBI, for which 2 weeks time is given by RBI, now SAOL will give results and replies in two weeks to RBI that ends up on 4th october. so it will be sooner. and since RBI is satisfied with the buziness model and work of SAOL thats why they are further interested to get more things related and will give clearence soon.                                                                                             4. nearly all agencies have finished its inquiry, EOW, ROC, MCA, SFIO, and RBI is doin through meets and documents verification. so in the current scenario, i can assure this only. that if anything faulty or fraudy would have been detected then, neither RBI would have called again for few more things, and also till this time charge sheet against company in various fields and frauds would have been filed, so... its just a matter of some days more, we all will be celebrating our all is in judicial procedure depends on clearence in Courts, and since too much holidays are coming, so hearings are delayed...and things are moving slowly...!!                                                                                                Kindly bare with this...!! u will get good results soon...!!

स्पीक एशिया: मकर सक्रांति के बाद फिर से दोढ़ेगी- ज्योतिश्चार्य मोरवाल

जून के महीने में ही मेने  ज्योतिष शाष्त्र के अनुसार  स्पीक एशिया के विषय में जान कारी हांसिल की थी परन्तु मेने कभी भी इसका जिक्र किसी से या सार्वजानिक रूप से नहीं किया था. चूँकि अब स्पीक एशिया के समय चक्र को ले कर लोग खुल कर सामने आ ही गए है, और लोगो का विश्वास भी बढ़ा है , इन सब बातों को मद्दे नज़र रखते हुए मेने सोचा की जो जानकारी मेरे पास है वो अब आपके सामने उजागर कर दी जाये.

मेने ये जानकारिया अपने पूजनीय पिताजी श्री आर एल मोरवाल, जो एक अछे ज्योतिश्चार्य है, उनसे प्राप्त की है.  उनका कहना है की नवम्बर माह के दुसरे पक्ष में स्पीक एशिया के ऊपर से बदनामी के मंडराएं बादल छटने लगेंगे और पहले के तरह से काम काज शुरू होने लगेगा. इस दौरान कुछ दिक्कते भी आयेंगी लेकिन वो आयेंगी और जाएँगी. कुछ आपसी मतभेद भी उत्पन हो सकते है.लेकिन दिसम्बर माह के आते आते ये बादल छट जायेंगे और काम काज धीमी गति से शुरू हो जायेगा.  परन्तु मकर सक्रांति के पश्चात् स्पीक एशिया का कार्य उसी गति तो प्राप्त कर लेगा जो गयारह मई २०११ से पहले थी.

इश्वर करे ये सब सत्य हो और एक बार फिर से स्पीक एशिया  "शताब्दी एक्सप्रेस " की स्पीड से दौढ़े और सत्य के साथ साथ हमारे विश्वास के जीत हो और हमारे घरों में खुशहाली का दौर शुरू हो और " सत्यमेव जयते " चरित्रार्थ हो सके. 

आपका शुभ चिन्तक
कुक्कू मोरवाल

Saturday, 24 September 2011

स्पीक एशिया: ज्योतिषी बोले, 15 नवम्बर के बाद आएंगे अच्छे दिन (अरुण शर्मा)

 जैसा की हम सभी जानते है हमारी कंपनी बुरे वक़्त से गुजर रही है इसलिए हम मथुरा के एक प्रतिष्ठित पंडित श्री दाऊ दयाल शर्मा जी से मिले उन्होंने हमें कंपनी की मोजुदा परिस्थिति के बारे में बताया उन्होंने कहा कि कंपनी की राशी कुम्भ है और कुम्भ राशी के ऊपर शनि चल रहा है और वो 15 नवम्बर तक रहेगा हालाँकि शनि सोल को ज्यादा नुकसान नहीं कर रहा है क्युकी कुभ राशी का स्वामी शनि ही है इसलिए  15 नवम्बर के बाद स्पीक एशिया के बहुत ही अच्छे दिन आयेंगे लेकिन अगर शनि देव कि शांति के लिए एक पूजा रखवाई जाये तो शनि देव प्रसन्न होकर स्पीक एशिया के लिए ज्यादा नुकसान नहीं होने देंगे और उल्टा सोल के लिए अच्छा ही करेंगे.
हम Ture Speak Asians Group ke कुछ पनेलिस्ट मिलकर यहाँ ( मथुरा ) के  एक प्राचीन मदिर कोकिला वन शनि देव मदिर में शनि शांति पूजा रखवा रहे है चूँकि अभी श्राद्ध चल रहे है और श्राद्ध में किसी भी तरह की पूजा नहीं राखी जाती तो पूजा १ अक्टूबर शनिवार को कर रहे है जिसमे हम विधिवत पूजा करने के बाद गरीबों को खाना और प्रशाद वितरण करेंगे और स्पीक एशिया की जल्दी वापसी के लिए प्रार्थना  करेंगे ! पूजा में मुख्य रूप से राजीव तिवारी जी,अरुण शर्मा,नवीन शर्मा,धीरज शर्मा और अरशद खान शामिल रहेंगे !
आप सभी सच्चे स्पीक ऐशिआन्स से ये अनुरोध है कि वे भी अपने अपने शहर में इसी प्रकार कि पूजा का आयोजन करें अगर हम एक ही दिन सभी जगह ये पूजा रखें तो परिणाम  बहुत जल्द सामने आएंगे अगर आप चाहते हैं कि स्पीक एशिया जल्द से जल्द इन सारी परेशानियों से बाहर आये तो ये काम आप अवश्य करें!
पूजा की ज्यादा जानकारी करने के लिए इन नंबरों पर सभी लीडर्स संपर्क कर सकते है आपको इसकी पूरी जानकारी दी जाएगी !
धीरज शर्मा :  8923023166
अरुण शर्मा :  8445071017
नवीन शर्मा : 9058860992

Speak Asia will come back for sure but it takes TIME-Vikram Vijay

 Dear SpeakAsians, I am getting lots of Calls - SMS - Mails to know more updates and its very difficult for me to answer every call. What am doing these days is to focus only Exact Updates rather then putting DAILY MAILERS. So its a humble request to all my Friends just to Have More Patience.
As Speak Asia will come back for sure but it takes TIME. 

Todays Update as under :

Forensic Experts Report is Positive.
EOW has been allotted another 21 days to investigate
Judge has been changed and New Judge has been given time to study our case.
Efforts are going on to show our business module with RBI also.

As I keep alerting in every mail......This Matter will take time and we should keep our Head Cool. As if we hope Results to come from Every such hearing which is not going to happen.

Whats happening these days ?

Submission of reports from various agencies.

What will happen next?
Reports would be studied in details and then more hearings would be conducted between both parties.

So please please have more patience.

We have only one Friend in this fight.........and the Name is Speak Asian. This is you only, so my dear friends believe in yourself as we are not doing anything wrong. We are fighting back and we will win for sure.

Don't forget to communicate your downline : HOPE IS STILL ON

For the Return of꼢r>Website > Surveys > Payouts > Exit Option > Shopping > Earnings 꼯font>
Good Luck!                                                                                                                                                                                                                       .source by-                 

Friday, 23 September 2011


       Dear Panelist,

This is just to update and inform everybody that whatever information that you get on this website is authentic and all the recent updates comes directly from the company management, so we are requesting all the SAOL family members not to believe any fake news or update. To our surprise that somebody has forged company’s letterhead and trying to misguide our family members, so we request you all not to get influenced by all this and not to believe. is company’s official blogging site through which you get all the recent update from the company management directly.

SpeakAsia Corporate Marketing Team                                                                        Share on Facebook

स्पीक एशिया: तारक वाजपेयी ने ईओडब्ल्यू के खिलाफ मामला वापस लिया -

 समाचार यह है कि ईओडब्ल्यू के खिलाफ स्पीक एशिया के सीओओ तारक वाजपेयी द्वारा दर्ज कराया गया प्रकरण वापस ले लिया गया है। इसमें श्री वाजपेयी ने ईओडब्ल्यू को आरोपी बनाया था।

यह प्रकरण मुम्बई की सिटी सिविल कोर्ट (क्रिमिनल) में दिनांक 12 सितम्बर को फाइल किया गया था। माननीय अतिरिक्त सेशन न्यायालय प्रथम श्रेणी ने 13 सितम्बर को पहली सुनवाई की एवं 20 सितम्बर को आवेदक तारक वाजपेयी द्वारा ईओडब्ल्यू का विरोध नहीं करने के कारण प्रकरण को समाप्त कर दिया गया।


Case Details
Case TypeA.B.A
Filing No.101165/2011     Filing date: 12-09-2011
Registration No.101165/2011     Registration date: 12-09-2011
Case code213301011652011
First Hearing Date13-09-2011
Decision Date20-09-2011
Nature Of DisposalUncontested--WITHDRAWN
Petitioner(s) & Advocate(s)
Petitioner - Tarak Bajpai
Address - BG 260, Steam No.54, Vijaya Nagar, Indore 452010.
Advocate -
Respondent(s) & Advocate(s)
Respondent - State P. S. EOW Unit III
Address - EOW Unit III
Advocate -
Under Act(s)---
Under Section(s)---
Court No & Name---
Case No & Year---
Case Decision Date---

History Of Case Hearing
Regn. No.JudgeHearing DatePurpose of Hearing

Order No.Order DateOrder Details

Writ Information
Regn. No.Appellate Case No.Appellate AuthorityDate of Reciept

Case Transfer Details Between The Courts
Regn. No.Transfer DateFrom Court No 
& Judge
To Court No 
& Judge
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Thursday, 22 September 2011

Aakhir Kab Tak Calega Ye Sab

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      दोस्तों एक कहानी है :-                                                                        एक चीता सिगरेट का सुट्टा लगाने ही वाला था कि अचानक वहां एक चूहा आ गया। 
चूहा बोला : भाई छोड़ दो नशा और आओ मेरे साथ देखो ये जंगल कितना खूबसूरत है। 
चीता चूहे के साथ चल दिया। 
आगे एक हाथी कोकीन पी रहा था। 
चूहा फिर बोला : भाई छोड़ दो नशा, आओ मेरे साथ देखो ये जंगल कितना खूबसूरत है। 
हाथी भी साथ चल दिया। 
आगे शेर शराब पीने की तैयारी कर रहा था, चूहे ने उसे भी वही कहा। 
शेर ने ग्लास साइड में रखकर चूहे को 5-6 थप्पड़ मारे। 
हाथी बोला : अरे क्यों मार रहे हो इस बेचारे को? 
शेर बोला : इस कमीने ने पिछ्ली बार भी अफीम खाकर मुझे 3 घंटे जंगल में ऐसे ही घुमाया था!                                                                              बिलकुल इसी तरह हमारी कम्पनी को हर बार गलत कहकर काम नहीं करने दिया जा रहा है पर कब तक , जब की वे लोग जो कम्पनी को बुरा भला कह रहे हैं खुद ही भ्रष्ट हैं ,आखिर कब तक  ये सब चलता रहेगा !  सच्चाई सामने लानी ही होगी क्योंकि  ज्यादा दिन तक ये सब चलने वाला नहीं है !

Speak Asia: RBI will have no problem in clearing the company business model



      Updates from The BhaskarWe were all greeted with the good news from the company through the official blog It was good to know that the RBI has eventually given SAOL the opportunity to present to them the Speakasia business module. I am 100% sure that when the company officials return before the RBI within two weeks the RBI will have no problem in clearing the company business model.
 There was the Association PIL which was scheduled today in the Mumbai High Court.
 As there was a new bench due to the elevation of Hon. Ms. Ranjana Desai to the Supreme Court the court seemed to want some time to understand the case which is a good sign and shows that the Hon. Judge wants to give us a square chance to explain our case. Due to the upcoming Puja Holidays the case is now adjourned to 12th October, 2011 which again is a good date as it will now be heard after the Supreme Court matter which is slated for 10th October, 2011.All panelists have to understand and realize that in such a surcharged atmosphere even the matter not going against us is a positive sign.Have Patience.                                         Source: 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Finally, Speakasia got chance to present their business model to RBI

                       Press Note

19th September 2011.
Post the order from the honorable Mumbai High Court the Reserve Bank of India granted an audience to the representatives of Speak Asia. The representatives were met by a panel of six top officials of RBI who them a patient hearing. The meeting was held in a cordial environment were the officials had some queries on the presentation made.

Commenting on the occasion Speak Asia spokesperson said ” We are extremely pleased with the approach and positive attitude of RBI. This is a great opportunity for us to present our business model to RBI. We believe that this is a great step to facilitate the payments due to our family of over 12 lac panelists”.
The RBI has now given the company two weeks to come back will the answers to their enquires.
Your’s Faithfully,
SpeakAsia Online Corporate Marketing Team


What is going to happen today in the Mumbai High Court?                                                                                               court What is going to happen today in the Mumbai High Court?


                 What is going to happen today in the Mumbai High Court? Below is the message take from Mr. Ashok Bahirwani’s Update of 17th Sept.

Panelists across the country are now pinning their hopes on 21st September, 2011 which is the next date of the Association’s PIL in the Mumbai High Court, and they ask me what will happen in the hearing on the 21st.
Let me make it clear to all the panelists, that the matter is not in any way posted for any hearing, the matter is posted on 21st for the respondents i.e. the Govt. of Maharashtra, RBI, The Union Of India and SAOL to file their reply. Considering that they indeed file their reply on the 21st then we will have to file our rejoinder (our reply to their reply). Having said this, our counsels will surely try to press once again, and pray before the Hon. High court, that
‘Ad Interim relief’
be given to the petitioners meaning the Association, by safeguarding the payouts due to the panelists.
In the earlier Criminal PIL against the Govt. of Maharashtra, the EOW has been asked to file their affidavit detailing the preparedness of the state in preventing cyber crime. Besides this, the EOW has to submit their report on the meeting with the Addl. Commissioner (Crime), with the forensic expert who had preferred an intervening application on the last date.
In both the matters there are no arguments expected.
Save and except the prayer of the Associations counsel no other move is expected in the Associations PIL.
I hope you are all aware that in the Writ in the Supreme Court the respondents are to file their reply before the 24th September, 2011 and the

actual hearing is scheduled for the 10th October, 2011.

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Monday, 19 September 2011

AISPA Press confrence-20/09/2011



Good Morning to All SpeakAsian,
I havent seen this before,,,
Lotsssssssssss of Thanks for all speakasian present der at press confrence(AISPA) on behalf all 15 lakh speakasian with ASHOK JI in support of SAOL welfare.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

         Prime Minister’s view on Direct Selling Company

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Dear speakasia Viewers,

Below is a news which is VERY important for Direct selling industry in India. see it as a new beginning which was much awaited. Please read the below details.                                                                          Dear speakasia Viewers,
Below is a news which is VERY important for Direct selling industry in India. see it as a new beginning which was much awaited. Please read the below details.
                                                                                                                     The central Cabinet approved on Wednesday September 7, 2011 the recommendations of the committee headed by Chief Secretary Shri P. K. Tripathi on direct selling, specifying guidelines for the sellers.

prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh told the media after a Cabinet meeting that direct selling companies which abided the law and did not cheat or fleece customers would be allowed to function. They should not function like money chains or resort to tax evasion. Compulsory subscription or insurance would not be permitted at any stage.
The prime Minister said the offices of multi-level marketing companies closed following police action could reopen if they functioned according to the guidelines, which would be communicated to the police immediately. Cases against them would be withdrawn if their operations were within the parameters of the guidelines. Otherwise, they should change their mode of operation before restarting sales.
An official release said the guidelines specified that the consumer should have the right to get refunds if products found unsatisfactory were returned within 30 days. No product should be forced upon the sellers by the company and no membership fee collected.
Commissions paid to direct sellers should be in tune with the quantity sold. The consumer should get an opportunity to examine samples before buying. Companies would be required to provide full information on their products and sellers. Salesmen should have identity cards issued by a government agency and should take advance permission for selling in various areas. They should issue clear records of the sales to the customer.
Companies should be authorised to do business in India and should file all mandatory returns. They should have trademarks or licences. They should maintain a regularly updated website giving details of their products, services, price, and other details, besides information on their companies.
This kind of guidelines must be in place in every state of India and also governed by Central government. This will make sure people can make this as alternate career and can be part of various industry operating on this model.


AISPA Press Conference : Come With 1 Photo ID Card and A Photo Copy

                                                                                   Tomorrow Come With 1 Photo Id Card and A Photo Copy (Xerox) of That Id.
This is needed for signing the Anticipatory Bail If you feel you need this.
Pass This Message/Sms To All Who Are Coming At Press Conference At Press Club Mumbai.
::In Financial Support Of North East Earth Quake::
Please make the cheque in favour of Prime Minister Relief Fund of any amount.
We will inform you by tomorrow noon that where you can send the cheques or we will start collecting cheques from tommorow.
Thank you


                                                                                                                                 Dear friends & warriors , we can get success in this battle only when we keep ourself patience and be united and trust company proceedings , becoz SAOL is not compromising in any case becoz we are the strength of company , company is fighting legally and with well equipped legal team , victory can be delay but it will come surely that all of us believe so till that time stay connected and united with all panelist community . Tommarow our own association AISPA is calling a press conference , who ever are present in mumbai and those who can attend that press conference , i request them to attend it so that press can see the strength of our unity in this tough time also when all agencies and media is on negative compaign of our beloved company SAOL.


Saturday, 17 September 2011


Dear Panelists,
All India SpeakAsia Panelist Association (AISPA) is organising a “PRESS CONFERENCE”
Agenda : Right To Honest Earning – Restart SpeakAsia
Date : Monday 19/09/2011
Time : 2 To 5 PM
Venue : Press Club Of India {Mumbai)
Add : Opp: Quila Court, Near VT Station & Azad Maidan – Mumbai
Please be there ontime wearing SpeakAsia tshirts.


Speak Asia investors move SC to recover their money

          NEW DELHI: A group of panelists of Singapore- based multi-level marketing company Speak Asia, which has been accused of duping investors, has approached the Supreme Court for recovering their money from the firm. 

Around 115 investors, who had put their money in the firm, have filed a petition before the apex court in this regard. 

"After hearing our petition, the Supreme Court has issued notices to Finance Ministry, Reserve Bank of India, Speak Asia and Haren Ventures to reply in two weeks," Rajeev Ranjan Raj, the advocate representing the investors, told reporters today. 

The Singapore-based marketing company, which is not incorporated in India, has been accused of duping investors across the country to the tune of Rs 1,300 crore within a period of about one year. 

Speak Asia had reportedly enrolled 1.2 million members, which are called panelists. 

Following allegations of fraud by investors, Economic Offences Wing (EoW) has seized around Rs 150 crore from distributors and sub-distributors of the firm along with some other assets. Further investigations are going on by various government agencies.    

Elephant of blinds


I hope true SpeakAsian can understand this :





                                                                                                                                       John Godfrey Saxe’s ( 1816-1887) version of the famous Indian legend,
It was six men of Indostan
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.
The First approach’d the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
“God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!”
The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -”Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me ’tis mighty clear
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!”
The Third approached the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
“I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant
Is very like a snake!”
The Fourth reached out his eager hand,
And felt about the knee.
“What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain,” quoth he,
“‘Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!”
The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said: “E’en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!”

The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
“I see,” quoth he, “the Elephant
Is very like a rope!”
And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!
So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!